If you’re trying to determine what is the healthiest dose of omega three fish oil, you may not get much help from experts. They seem to disagree when recommending a dose which reaps optimum benefits. Oftentimes, recommendations will be based in favor of the manufacturer that is paying for the “expertise.” But don’t let that discourage you. Anyone who is interested in taking essential three fatty acids can find the dosage that will give them the best results.
But before you determine the right dose, you have to find a product of superior quality. You see, not all these fish oil supplements are created equal. It all comes down to the processing method used to extract the fish oils.
One of the more common processes uses steam to extract the essential fatty acids from chopped up fish. Unfortunately, along with the fatty acids, juices known as “marine liquids” are released. They wind up in the supplement along with the omega-3s. The problem with this liquid is that it has a tendency to spoil as it sits on the shelf at the store or in your medicine cabinet.
Taking these fermented capsules can often result in fishy burps, farts and breath, and sometimes even diarrhea.
Needless to say, there is no such thing as a healthy dose of a fish oil supplement which includes “marine liquids” on the ingredient label.
Fortunately, steaming fish to extract omega-3 fatty acids isn’t the only process used by manufacturers today. There is a new and improved process which some companies are using to avoid generating undesirable byproducts, while producing the purest, most effective fish oil.
Believe it or not, the process begins on the fishing boats themselves, immediately after catch. Rather than transporting the fish to a manufacturing facility, they are chopped, placed into a vat containing carbon dioxide (CO2) and then pressurized to five times above normal sea level pressure. Under this level of pressure, the carbon dioxide works as a natural solvent which extracts the fatty acids from the fish.
Maintaining a temperature of approximately eight-six degrees Fahrenheit insures that the chemical makeup of the fatty acids remains unchanged.
Once the pressure is returned to normal the carbon dioxide reverts to a gaseous state and all that is left is pure omega three fish oil.
The healthiest dose of this type of fish oil product is a minimum of 1000 mg per day. Typically, that translates into two capsules of this high-quality fish oil.
You can adjust the dosage if you are trying to achieve specific health results, such as relieving joint inflammation or muscle pain. In this case, you can take up to 20 capsules a day which is about 15,000 mg.
Furthermore, some people use fish oil to control appetite for weight loss. Taken between meals, a dosage of 5,000 mg per day can help to keep your appetite in check.
Using a supplement of the highest quality in the healthiest dose can help to produce the best results while making sure you don’t have to deal with unpleasant digestive side effects. That’s why it pays to do a little research to make sure you’re getting the best value for your money.
My own personal research has resulted in a high quality supplement which I take on daily basis to control joint inflammation. Click here if you'd like to benefit from my recommendation.
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